A funny thing happened the other day. 3 years after this post was published about problems with the selection and cropping tool in fireworks, I encountered a similar problem with the crop tool not working so I started looking at extension, new programs etc. but could not find the culprit.
I assumed it was because the Mac OS X operating system has been updated a couple of times since the original post, as well as my MacBooK Pro, and I was resigned to the fact that this was going to stay like that forever and ever… However… And this is where things get a little interesting and why I thought it warranted s new post rather than an update to the previous one.
My Samsung monitor (SyncMaster P2450) packed in, it was attached to the HDMI port on my MBP as a 3rd display, so I replaced it with a Dell monitor and all of a sudden the crop started working again… I attached the new monitor using HDMI and Thunderbolt and all is well.
That makes no sense to me and I could not find anything online remotely similar to this but I’m happy that the crop tool is working. I usually don’t post things that I can not replicate, after all I don’t think it’s magic that things are working again but because the monitor is not working I can’t try and replicate the setup. If anyone has this issue and knows why just leave a comment and share with the rest of us, for now, I will just attribute this to some “Special IT fairy dust & Magic”. Hope this helps someone.
Happy cropping!